Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones.

We sold Keith 1 blonde Fender Tube Reverb unit & 2 Maestro tube Echoplex effects.





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Guitars Amps Brian May Guilds BHM Fender Gibson Kramer 5150 San Dimas Charvels  Zion Ty Tabor Phil Keaggy  Effects Jackson Boogie Paul Reed Smith Mighty Mite BC Rich Hamer Deans Drums Oahu VOX Marshall Selmer Orange Premier Valco Mutron Foxx Maestro Roland Univox Dallas-Arbiter Audio Neumann Urei RCA Lexicon Altec AKG Telefunken Coke Machines Marantz McIntosh Wurlitzer Jukebox Gas Pumps Schwinn Sting Rays . Krates Motion Lamps Guitars Amps Effects BHM Brian May Guilds Fender Gibson Kramer San Dimas Charvels Zion Ty Tabor Phil Keaggy Effects Jackson Boogie Bodies Paul Reed Smith Mighty Mite BC Rich Hamer Deans Drums Oahu VOX Marshall Selmer Orange Premier Valco Mutron Foxx Foot Phaser Maestro Roland Univox Dallas-Arbiter Neumann Urei RCA Lexicon Altec AKG Telefunken gear Coke Machines Marantz McIntosh Wurlitzer Jukebox Gas Pumps Schwinn Sting Rays . Krates Motion Lamps  BHM Brian May Guilds Fender Gibson Kramer San Dimas Charvels Zion Effects Jackson Boogie Bodies Paul Reed Smith Mighty Mite BC Rich Hamer Dean Oahu VOX Marshall Selmer Orange Premier Valco Mutron Foxx Phasing Pedal Maestro Roland Univoxl Dallas-Arbiter Audio Neumann Urei RCA Lexicon Altec AKG Telefunken gear Coke Machines Marantz McIntosh Wurlitzer Jukebox Gas Pumps Schwinn Sting Rays . Krates Motion Lamps