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Wire Transfers


48 hour approval on SOME eBay & Reverb items.

Check item description.


Shipments are "typically" sent each Monday.

(Otherwise your widget will sit in a warehouse over the weekend!)


Any rush "priority" shipments MAY add up to $75.00

in addition to the shipping charges.


Layaways that are not paid in full within 30 days of their due date

will be cancelled and all deposits forfeited by the buyer.



Grading scale used for our guitars.

100% Mint Unused condition. (May need cleaning, depending on age.)
95% Near mint Slightest amount of use.
90% Excellent Shows signs of use but overall has nice appearance.
80% Very good Minor scratches, dings and wear. Slight issues.
70% Good Visible wear, possibly missing or replaced parts & issues.
60% Average Wear, some missing parts, multiple issues present.
50% Fair Substantial wear, issues, will require lots of work.
40% Poor Will require restoration.
30% Extremely poor Will require total restoration. May have little or no potential.
20% Junk May be useful for parts.







Copyright 1995-2019 Abalone Vintage. All rights reserved